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domenica 18 ottobre 2009

house things

Today I wish to write my post in English: I would like to give an international immage of my  blog, it's time to improve the look. First of all, apologise me for my English, it's very pouvre and I know quite roules ( I was a bad student :-)  ) , but I belive you could understand me.

Why I decide to create a Blog calls "house things"?? Because, I would like to know the history of your forniture, of your habit. I would like to know, what are the features of your houses... I'm going to know why you love your house ... Houses are made of things and this ones speaks of you!!

I hope  you're very curious than me to hear stories.........
I hope to hear you soon!!

Before to close, a special thanks a "google translator"  :-)) ....

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